Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The season of candy has officially begun! I swear that the constant stream of candy through my children's bloodstreams begins at Halloween, and doesn't stop until after Easter. I really dispise that aspect of this time of year. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE FALL! I love pumpkins, gigantic beautiful mums, football games, the crispness in the air, the changing leaves (although we don't get many of those things here in AZ), I just don't enjoy the candy struggle. I do enjoy the things that I can bribe my children to do, when I promise them a piece of that candy though...hey, I am not above bribery!! For example, today #5 was way tired, after being awakened at 5:45am by #3's alarm clock, that happened to still have the scary noises CD in it from Halloween. Yep, that pretty much guaranteed that the 4-yr-old was not going back to sleep! So, at 12:30 when he was fighting me about a nap, I may or may not have made the promise of candy...

Anyway, here are some pictures of how everyone looked for Halloween.

Sweet Baby Girl in her "poodle skirt girl" costume. Big sister didn't quite get it. How do you explain a 1950's costume to a 6-yr-old?

Here's the next morning, "sorting".


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