Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Back to School 2012

                                         S has to leave for school before 7am...
                                     notice how much darker it is.
The rest of the crew, ready for their first day.
Yesterday I sent five children off to school, and then Miss N and I set off for the PX and Commissary with every other military mom in a 25 mile radius.  (Seriously....the carts were lined up, up and down two isles to check out!)
This is school #4 for the older three kids, but they continue to amaze us with their resiliency!  Everyone was very excited to get back to school.  After the move from a school that gets out mid-May, to a school that starts after Labor Day, everyone was ready to get back into a routine and spend some time with kids they aren't related to.
S is in 7th grade this year, and in middle school.  He is such a mature and independant boy.  I offered to give him a ride to school with all his stuff, but he decided to walk.
L is in 6th Grade.  He was very excited that his teacher has a lot of the books that he likes to read...even though he has already read all of them :)
G is in 4th Grade.  I think she would still cling to my leg and cry, if she didn't have to sit on the floor to reach my leg!  She had a great day though.

J is in 2nd Grade.  Her favorite part of the day was "Everything."  She met some new friends, but couldn't remember any names :)

And this year B is in Kindergarten!  He is so excited! He met two girls, Kate and Katie, at his table.  Apparently his favorite part of the day was lunch.  He told Daddy that "there was a peanutbutter and jelly sandwich and popcorn and kiwis in it!"  Well, I am glad that it was a hit!
We celebrated the beginning of a new school year with cupcakes after dinner.

Miss N enjoyed them too :)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Look at all the produce I got for TEN BUCKS!

This is the second time that I have been to the Market on the Move, it is "rescued" produce from Nogales Mexico. They set up in parking lots all over the Phoenix and Tucson areas on Saturdays (because most of the lots are at churches), you pay $10 and get whatever they have that week....this week it was A LOT of tomatoes! I got two spaghetti squash, an eggplant, two restaurant-sized bags of spring mix salad, and huge slicing tomatoes, roma tomatoes, and big sweet grape tomatoes. The other day I made and canned sweet tomato relish with all the big ones, next I have to do something with the romas...probably black bean and corn salsa, but I ran out of canning lids!