Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Back to School 2012

                                         S has to leave for school before 7am...
                                     notice how much darker it is.
The rest of the crew, ready for their first day.
Yesterday I sent five children off to school, and then Miss N and I set off for the PX and Commissary with every other military mom in a 25 mile radius.  (Seriously....the carts were lined up, up and down two isles to check out!)
This is school #4 for the older three kids, but they continue to amaze us with their resiliency!  Everyone was very excited to get back to school.  After the move from a school that gets out mid-May, to a school that starts after Labor Day, everyone was ready to get back into a routine and spend some time with kids they aren't related to.
S is in 7th grade this year, and in middle school.  He is such a mature and independant boy.  I offered to give him a ride to school with all his stuff, but he decided to walk.
L is in 6th Grade.  He was very excited that his teacher has a lot of the books that he likes to read...even though he has already read all of them :)
G is in 4th Grade.  I think she would still cling to my leg and cry, if she didn't have to sit on the floor to reach my leg!  She had a great day though.

J is in 2nd Grade.  Her favorite part of the day was "Everything."  She met some new friends, but couldn't remember any names :)

And this year B is in Kindergarten!  He is so excited! He met two girls, Kate and Katie, at his table.  Apparently his favorite part of the day was lunch.  He told Daddy that "there was a peanutbutter and jelly sandwich and popcorn and kiwis in it!"  Well, I am glad that it was a hit!
We celebrated the beginning of a new school year with cupcakes after dinner.

Miss N enjoyed them too :)

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